​​Pregled: Primerjava nacionalnih strategij pri promociji umetne inteligence (ZDA, Kitajska, Velika Britanija, Francija, Finska, Južna Koreja)

Comparison of National Strategies to Promote Artificial Intelligence (USA, China, Great Britain, France, Finland, South Korea)

"The race for world leadership in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has begun. Since the publication of the Obama government’s AI strategy in 2016, other countries have looked for ways to promote research and development (R&D), to encourage commercialization of AI and to catch up with the leading AI nation, the USA. The following summary describes the findings from the analyses of the first six countries (USA, China, Great Britain, France, Finland and South Korea). These six countries comprise Part One of a 12-country study for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation."

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